Monday, 28 March 2011

Candida Cleanse - Day 6

Yes, I skipped a few days, but it was the weekend and I don't have a computer at my house (weird, I know) so I couldn't post anything.  Not that I would have anyway because I was SO TIRED.  I fell asleep sitting up a total of THREE times this weekend.  I'm not one for falling asleep in uncomfortable positions so this was pretty bizarre.

I'm inclined to say that the cleanse was what was making me so sleepy and lethargic (I didn't even want to get off the couch to go to the bathroom.....but don't worry, I did), but I'm not really sure as my boyfriend was as sleepy as a hibernating bear as well.   We both looked like this:

Perhaps I've got a little cold or something.  Well, whatever it was I'm feeling a heap better today.  Though I didn't sleep too well last night (someone was snoring directly at my head), I wasn't tired this morning when I got up, nor as I went for my run.

My energy, in general, hasn't been very high since I started the cleanse.  I've found that it really picks up when I eat something, but it doesn't last for very long.  I've been trying to eat several little things throughout the day just to keep myself going and that's working out pretty well.   I made a wicked lemon and garlic chicken stirfry on Saturday and the leftovers are my lunch for today.  I had a giant omelette for breakfast (with A LOT of garlic) and I've got a spinach salad with salmon for dinner.

I'm going to see a local band tonight, Mother Mother, so I prepared many snacks in case I pull a 'falling asleep sitting up' stunt at the show.  That would be a little embarrassing.  If you've never heard Mother Mother, I suggest giving them a listen because they are totally fantastic.

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