Thursday, 17 March 2011

Post the First.

To start things off, here is a bear saying hello with his back leg because he clearly hasn't been taught proper etiquette.   Hello, Bear.  Use your front paw next time.

So, this is my first post of my new blog.   I almost want to put the word blog in quotation marks because it's kind of cliched these days.  "Oh, you want to know what's going on in my life?  Check out my blog." Well, now I can say that to everyone.  No more telling lengthy stories about my day, no sir.  This mouth is going to shrivel up from disuse.  Wouldn't it be odd if that actually happened?  I'm sure there would be a ton of people out there with little prune-like mouths that could barely form the word "falafel" without several attempts.

This is the post where you get to find out a little bit about me.  No deepest, darkest secrets stuff, just the basics.  I'm a twenty-six year old (and I dislike using numbers when I'm writing, I may as well get that out right now) girl with money on my mind, got a ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye.  No, wait, that's Coolio...sorry.   I wasn't lying about the age, though.  I live in a beautiful house that my guy and I just bought a few months ago, which is located in the boonies.  Well, that might be an exaggeration, but it sure isn't a metropolis.  I'm thinking maybe 1500 people live in my quaint (a nice way of putting tiny-ass) town.
It's not too bad, though, because I work in the city and it's not a super long drive to get there.  

Let's see, I love to read fiction books, anything by an author with an amazing grasp of the English language will do just fine.  Also, I DO judge a book by its cover and have quite a few interesting things on my bookshelves.  I've recently (as of six months ago) become addicted to running and fitness in general.  I've always been an off and on kind of exerciser, but something happened and I don't really want to be 'off' anymore.   I've taken to waking at 5 am each weekday (hence, the blog address) and heading off to the gym in the pitch black.  Sometimes I run, sometimes I take a spin class, but I always end my workout in the sauna reading some trashy magazine and being shocked at how whatshisface cheated on whatsherface with  whatshername.  I always leave the sauna feeling like I have a pretty awesome, normal life....and I need more shoes. 

More on all this later as I must shift my focus to something quite a bit more mundane (work).

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